Includes how to apply for a first passport or a passport re-issuance application
Confirm the documents you will need to provide
Select the type of passport application you are making. Is this for a fresh (first) passport or a re-issue.
Fill the online application then print out the form
After filling the form, print it out, then click submit. The Nigeria Immigration Service Passport Portal link is below:
Get Reference Number and Application ID
Once you submit the form, you will get a Reference Number and Application ID. Please note these down because you will need them later.
Pay online for your passport and get a payment validation number
Make payment with your card or bank payment. You must pay with your own card only. You will get a payment validation number. Click here to view official passport fees
Print out your Payment Receipt & Acknowledgement
In the link below, enter your Validation number, Reference number and Application ID, then print the Payment Receipt and Acknowledgement Slip. Check payment status on
Attend your Interview on given date with all documents
You will get an interview date above. Attach your printed Application Form, Payment Receipt and Acknowledgement Slip to the required documents in step 1 above and take them all along with you to the interview.